I was able to quickly draft new pages, circulate them to the team, edit them, and then ultimately publish intuitively.
Use this app as your own proof of concept to explore Butter's capabilities for yourself. When you're ready, host this app and invite your team to try it out all well!
Update this Page in Butter Need an account?This page is an example of utilizing Butter Components which allow you to build dynamic landing pages by choosing Components from a Component Library. Reuse and reorder Components in any way you want!
This sample page has four component types: hero, two column with image, features, and testimonials.
This page is just an example set of Components. You can build your own custom Component library!
Build carousels, call to actions, testimonials, and much more. There's infinite flexbility.
Components are great because you can reorder them from your Butter dashboard
Try updating the content of this page to reflect your own. You can also explore modifying these components or creating your own in your Butter dashboard. Learn more about Page Types and Components.
Update this Page in ButterButter also has a built in blog engine which makes it dead simple to launch a new company blog.
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas hendrerit risus ac sapien pretium, in aliquet justo cursus. Proin lectus nunc, lacinia a ornare scelerisque, auctor ac magna. Praesent posuere magna sed dui laoreet viverra. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque nec fermentum dolor. Fusce hendrerit dolor sed commodo aliquet. …
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas hendrerit risus ac sapien pretium, in aliquet justo cursus. Proin lectus nunc, lacinia a ornare scelerisque, auctor ac magna. Praesent posuere magna sed dui laoreet viverra. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque nec fermentum dolor. Fusce hendrerit dolor sed commodo aliquet. …